Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Trust Part 1

Early this morning I went to the local weekly organic farmers market. I can't believe how lucky I am to be able to trod down my jungle path a short distance and step into a veritable feast for the senses. There underneath a rustic structure constructed of tree trunks and palm fronds, vegetables, fruits and all kinds of farm stand offerings both familiar and not, were grouped in bundles and piles on tarps all over the ground and all around the perimeter on rough hewn planks supported by makeshift saw horses.

Papayas, plantains, citrus and squashes lay next to stacks of brown eggs, purple roots, perfectly ripe tomatoes, avocados and watermelons. There was  fresh coconut juice right out of its shell, cups of cool ceviche, tropical baked goods, sweet and savory and steaming cups of organic Costa Rican coffee. What to do? Keeping in mind that I live in a tiny studio with a just a little bit larger than dorm sized refrigerator, I filled two small cotton sacks with freshly hulled speckled beans, tomatoes, oranges and limes (to mix with my rum), fresh basil, tiny yellow squashes, an avocado, onions and strange looking purple tubers.

Once everything was back in place in my casa, I prepared for my yoga class and hit the trail again. I ended up being the only student in class today so my instructor, a beautiful 29 year old dancer and yogi gave me a totally personalized experience. She told me moved here two years ago to dance. Imagine that? Moving to a remote, tiny jungle community to dance. But that is just what she has created for herself. She teaches dance at this studio and at the local school here and told me she was involved in putting together a performing arts group for students- the first of its kind here. Before teaching yoga this morning, she choreographed a routine to "Thriller" with a group of local parents who are going to "flash mob" their kids on Halloween!

I'm inspired by people who trust in their gifts and carve out a creative existence no matter where they choose to land. The more I think about trust and faith, or more importantly, the more I engage in trusting myself, others, my surroundings and circumstances I can see how wanting to dance in the jungles of Nosara is no big stretch at all.


  1. OK. I can't sing or dance and I've never taken a yoga class. I do know dirt and veggies and fruit and roads that aren't really roads. Lordy, Dear Lord....& Laura, tell me how to get there. Enjoy. Peace, Always

  2. Good stuff, Beautiful Lady. I'm not in Costa Rica but I'm learning to trust that this white girl's version is the way to go for now. Om Shanti.
