Wednesday, August 18, 2010

It Will Be Soon

Today I woke up to another rainy morning, went back to sleep and dreamed of a huge green snake, woke up, dozed off again and when I finally dragged my body out of bed, I made a cup a tea and booked the first flight out of here. My time in Nosara has come to a close and tonight when I sang my final song at the Guilded Iguana, I cried. Being here has meant more to me than I ever could have realized and now with a few more weeks before I have to officially re-enter my world, I am feeling the need for a change of scenery, an energetic shift. I think I need a “middle ground” between Nosara and my life that is chomping at the bit for me to return to. So this morning when I woke up and found it was so easy to rearrange my plans, I did. I had imagined that my departure from here would be dramatic with a celebration that would incorporate all of the wonderful people I have met along the way, but I’m leaving the way I came, quietly and I am so grateful that I was able to see my friends who were out tonight and to hug and kiss them- until next time. I know it will be soon.


  1. I'm glad my sister (Lynnette) told me about your blog. I've enjoyed sharing your adventure in Nosara. I hope you continue writing, Laura. When you write your book, I'll read it.

  2. There are hugs and kisses quietly waiting for you on this end as well. Whenever you want or need them. xoxo

  3. Hey Laura!
    Sounds like it is an amazing trip I love all your writings!
    Hugs Tori

  4. I will miss your adventures my friend. I looked forward to your blogs everyday. Best to you on your continued journey. Thanks for the note, hope to see you soon! xoxoo Keep writing, it is wonderful!

  5. I have really found the blog quite wonderful .........Marian and I look forward to a great get together soon....time for some cross-dressing.......with all our kids...........they understand.........god bless them...and us...xoxoxoxoxoxox
