Sunday, July 4, 2010

Independance Day

Independance Day.
Five years ago on this very day I wrote these words down in my jouranl as I was driving to our mountain home in Asheville, North Carolina to take a break from a confusing and painful situation at home. My husband Dan had become very distant and strange and I knew something was horribly wrong, but I could not figure out what it was and he could not expess what was going on with him to me. So I left. I took 10 days, starting on Independance Day, to clear my head, clean our mountain home, practice yoga and meditate on my marriage. It was the first time in our 22 years of marriage that I was truly alone for that length of time and it gave me the opportunity and the space I needed to sort things out. What came were more questions, but also the knowing that my love for Dan was deep and true and that I couldn't force him to do things my way or to "give ultimatums". "I am not an ultimatum giving person" is what I wrote in my journal during that time. I knew Dan loved me and that our relationship was unique and strong. What I didn't know, and I found out two months later was that Dan was having an affair. So now on this Independance Day, five years later, I am again alone and feeling independant in almost every sense of the word. I am still married to Dan and we have both worked long and hard to bring our relationship back to balance. It hasn't been easy and it has taken up alot of my "space". And as we've healed our marriage and ourselves, my soul has been asking for space. I have been asking for space, out loud, on paper and in prayer. Then an email from a musician friend arrives late May. "Can you come to Nosara, Costa Rica to sing and teach for two months?"


  1. You have an inner strength and beauty to be acknowledged. As they say, your love tank is empty and some self-care is on order. Proud of you...embrace your journey.

  2. LOVE you, Laura! Take the time you need to explore and re-discover that beautiful soul inside you. And, as I told you earlier....if you "find" me down there, call or text me! xoxo :)
